Friday, January 27, 2012

New York Comic Con 2012 COSPLAY!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my taxes taken care of, and with my return I'm planning on making a trip to NYC for Comic Con 2012. Last year me and Katie (My Fiance`) went as Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers.


 This year I really wanted to up the ante, so with the release of Mass Effect 3 this year I figured there was no better time than now to honor it by making my own N7 armor.

Unfortunatley with my schedule and budget I will not be able to get anything like the premium replica kind, so instead I'm going to mock up my own. I'll be starting with a Star Wars Clone trooper foam armor costume (the armor's form and outline match the N7 armor) and I will be painting it.

What I'd like to have 

What I'm Starting With

What I hope to finish with (photoshopped)

I will be posting all future articles relating to this as "NYCC 2012 N7" 
so if you want to follow my progress, or have any helpful tips or suggestions, keep your eyes here.

haggisandtoast Blog is now up and running

Hey everybody, I'm excited to finally get this up and running. Lets start this with an intro.

I'm haggisandtoast, or Haggis, or James, I don't really have a preference. This blog is going to be a place for me to share my favorite news and info relating to everything games, tv, movies, and maybe some music every now and then. I'm also planning on posting personal articles too, mainly any kind of cool projects that come my way, and who knows, maybe if you ask I might be able to do something for you guys too.

So stay tuned for some interesting stuff coming this way soon.