Friday, April 13, 2012

Holy Crap!

So yeah, I'm speechless. For those who don't know, I posted a review of Bioshock on this blog as part of an application to become a reviewer for the Xbox 360 version of Witcher 2. I've been waiting since monday for an answer, then I found this doozy of an email in my inbox. 

I cannot tell you how excited I am to have this opportunity. Once the game gets here and I have some time to play I will be posting a review of it here.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bioshock Review for Xbox 360

Imagine you find yourself in the middle of the ocean surrounded by the remains of a plane, in the distance an unmarked lighthouse seems your only possible choice. As you enter the bathysphere housed within, you are shown a video of Andrew Ryan’s vision of a perfect world. However, as you enter the underwater city of Rapture, you come to realize things have gone very wrong. The citizens have been driven mad by genetic splicing, this is the world you find yourself in. Welcome to Bioshock. 
This game, which was 2K’s 2007 game of the year for Xbox 360 is great for many reasons. The first point that needs to be talked about is the story. The story of Bioshock is a rollercoaster of suspense and surprise. No other game has had such a compelling world created around a single idea, but in Bioshock the world around you has a story of its own. Throughout the city of Rapture you can find audio logs which provide a rich and detailed backstory to the enviroment around which the game is played.
Bioshock is a First Person Shooter first and foremost, but while you can use guns, you are encouraged to use “plasmids” Bioshock’s form of genetic modification. Plasmids give you abilities that can drastically change the way you play the game. You can use Electro-bolt to shock your opponents to death, or use Incinerate to burn them to a crisp. Others are even more entertaining to watch, use Swarm to call a hive of bees from your arm and watch as the Splicers of Rapture run in fear. Plasmids are found in the game or you can buy them with ADAM, a drug used as currency for plasmid stations.
The game uses a great mix of FPS and RPG elements to create a unique and accessible control. While you can customize and perfect your weapons, you can also level up your abilities and make them stronger too. This also opens up Bioshock’s use of choice. Do you want to be a gunfighter or a plasmid powerhouse? The choice is yours. Another thing to keep in mind are the Little Sisters. These little girls are the moral dilemma of Bioshock, you can be a hero and save them for a minor reward of ADAM, or you can take a darker path and harvest the poor girls for the maximum ADAM possible. This choice not only effects the story, but also how you can play the game, less ADAM means less plasmids, but whatever the case the choice is yours, and that is what Bioshock is meant for.
In the end not many games can hold up to what Bioshock does in both story and performance. The graphics are superb and the controls couldn’t be any easier. The world of Rapture is terrifying and chaotic, but it is an adrenaline fueled ride you will never forget. It’s games like this that make it worth being a gamer.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New York Comic Con 2012 COSPLAY!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my taxes taken care of, and with my return I'm planning on making a trip to NYC for Comic Con 2012. Last year me and Katie (My Fiance`) went as Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers.


 This year I really wanted to up the ante, so with the release of Mass Effect 3 this year I figured there was no better time than now to honor it by making my own N7 armor.

Unfortunatley with my schedule and budget I will not be able to get anything like the premium replica kind, so instead I'm going to mock up my own. I'll be starting with a Star Wars Clone trooper foam armor costume (the armor's form and outline match the N7 armor) and I will be painting it.

What I'd like to have 

What I'm Starting With

What I hope to finish with (photoshopped)

I will be posting all future articles relating to this as "NYCC 2012 N7" 
so if you want to follow my progress, or have any helpful tips or suggestions, keep your eyes here.

haggisandtoast Blog is now up and running

Hey everybody, I'm excited to finally get this up and running. Lets start this with an intro.

I'm haggisandtoast, or Haggis, or James, I don't really have a preference. This blog is going to be a place for me to share my favorite news and info relating to everything games, tv, movies, and maybe some music every now and then. I'm also planning on posting personal articles too, mainly any kind of cool projects that come my way, and who knows, maybe if you ask I might be able to do something for you guys too.

So stay tuned for some interesting stuff coming this way soon.